


  • Rabbits are carriers of fleas, which can be a concern for pet owners. These fleas can easily be transmitted to domestic rabbits, potentially causing discomfort or spreading diseases.
  • Besides fleas, wild rabbits can carry various diseases that might be transmissible to domestic rabbits. It's crucial for pet owners to be vigilant and ensure their pets are protected from such risks.
  • Rabbits are known for their destructive feeding habits, which can cause considerable damage to lawns, plants, and foliage. Their grazing can result in bare patches on lawns and the destruction of flower beds and vegetable gardens.
  • They have strong, sharp teeth that allow them to chew through a variety of materials, potentially harming ornamental plants, trees, and shrubs.
  • The burrowing behaviour of rabbits can also pose a threat to the stability of structures, landscapes, and natural habitats, as their burrows can undermine the ground and lead to erosion.
  • In many places, landowners are legally required to control the rabbit population on their land. This obligation aims to prevent the rabbits from causing extensive damage and affecting the local ecology or neighbouring properties.
  • Failure to control the rabbit population can lead to legal repercussions, highlighting the importance of effective wildlife management practices.


Pest Control Solutions